
  • Consultation launched for the creation of a new education offer that will be "unique in Rugby"
    22 Jan 2025

    The Transforming Lives Educational Trust (TLET) has launched a consultation on the creation of a new primary education offer for Rugby, which will see them partner once again with Houlton’s master developer Urban&Civic. It is proposed that a new building would be added to Houlton School which was recently praised by Ofsted for being “aspirational” and a place where “pupils rise to the challenges set by the school”. The proposals would mean that Houlton becomes an all-through school, educating children from Reception through to Sixth Form. The new building would have enough space for two classes (60 pupils) in each year group, and would welcome 30 Reception children in its first year - which is anticipated to be in September 2026.
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  • Ashlawn School students celebrate a host of top GCSE results
    24 Aug 2023

    There were lots of smiling faces at Ashlawn School in Rugby when students celebrated a host of top GCSE results. Paul Brockwell, Principal at Ashlawn School, said: “Over the last few months we’ve been talking a lot about ‘our best, always’, an ethos that we want our whole school community to live by, every day. “Today, I’ve seen the results of these young people working hard and trying their best in abundance and there have been some truly outstanding individual achievements. Given all that these students have been through as a result of the pandemic, that is even more remarkable.” Amongst those celebrating were six students who all achieved at least five Grade 9s each - Natasha Wright, Blythe Kilburn-Small, Ana Carlig, Sangwon Kang, Ava Rogerson and Eva Diaz-Aliste.
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  • Students at Ashlawn School celebrate A-Level achievements
    17 Aug 2023

    Students at Ashlawn School in Rugby have been celebrating their A-Level results today, with many now preparing to take up their places at some of the country’s top universities and higher-level apprenticeships. Paul Brockwell, Principal at Ashlawn School, said: “My congratulations go to all of the students receiving their exam results today. It has been fantastic to see so many talented, hard-working, young people celebrating their achievements and looking forward to the exciting future that awaits them. “It is important, however, that we don’t forget that this is actually the first formal set of externally assessed exams that the vast majority of these students have completed, so their achievements are all the more amazing." Amongst those celebrating were twin brothers, David and Rhys West, who both chose to study the same subjects at A-Level – Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Engineering.
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  • Henry Hinde Infant School prepares pupils for a 'world of possibilities'
    14 May 2023

    Leaders and staff at Henry Hinde Infant School, in Bilton, have been praised for being “determined to improve the life chances of pupils” and ensuring that children are “ready for a ‘world of possibilities’”, during a recent school inspection. In March, the school was visited by the schools’ inspectorate, Ofsted. This was a one-day inspection to assess whether the school continues to be rated ‘good’, following their last rating in 2017. During their visit, inspectors observed lessons and spoke with leaders, staff, pupils and parents.
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  • Henry Hinde Junior School gets best Ofsted outcome for a generation
    9 Dec 2022

    The pupils and staff at Henry Hinde Junior School are celebrating after Ofsted praised the school and gave it the strongest Ofsted outcome it has had in nearly 15 years. The inspectors gave the school, which is part of the Transforming Lives Educational Trust (TLET), a ‘GOOD’ rating in every category, noting that pupils are “happy coming to this rapidly improving school.” Inspectors also commented that: “following significant staffing changes, improvements to the quality of teaching and to the physical environment, pupils now learn well.” The report continued “behaviour in class and around school is good…Pupils are polite, friendly and welcoming.” The report goes on to praise leadership at the school. It is noted that: “Leaders have high expectations of, and for, all pupils. Leaders want pupils to enjoy and be enthusiastic about learning.
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  • Houlton School achieves ‘World Class Schools’ status
    1 Dec 2022

    Pupils and staff at Houlton School are celebrating following the news that they have been awarded the World Class Schools Quality Mark (WCSQM) - joining an exclusive network of 120 of the best non-selective state schools across the UK for the quality of educational experience on offer. In order to gain the coveted accreditation, the school took part in an entirely pupil-lead assessment process, where pupils were tasked with completing a series of challenges to showcase what makes their school World Class. Pupils used the World Class AP to demonstrate a plethora of leadership skills and attributes as well as taking on project management lead roles in last year’s Assessment Centre Day. All of the work leading to the successful accreditation was completed by pupils in Key Stage 3, something normally supported largely by Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils.
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  • Ofsted praises Houlton School in newly released pre-registration inspection report
    7 Feb 2022

    In a newly released report, Ofsted inspectors have praised Houlton School, which is run by the Transforming Lives Educational Trust (TLET), for the provision that was put in place by leaders ahead of opening for the first time in September 2021. The report, which relates to a statutory pre-registration inspection that took place in May 2021, details findings based on compliance with expected standards across a range of areas including: quality of leadership and management; spiritual moral, social and cultural development of students; and premises and accommodation. During their visit to the brand-new school, inspectors reported that leaders and trustees “are highly effective and have considerable experience in running successful schools.” They added, “leaders are suitably ambitious for this new school community. They are determined and committed to providing a world-class education and transforming the lives of all stakeholders”.
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  • Houlton School holds its first Pupil Forum
    23 Nov 2021

    Pupils from across Houlton School’s six Colleges have had the chance to represent their peers during the first Pupil Forum. As part of the session, pupils shared ideas on how to continually improve the Houlton Family and ensure that everyone’s voice is listened to. Pupil Fora will now be held fortnightly and will offer the chance for everyone to be involved. Chloe Buckenham, Vice Principal, said: “Our founding pupils have a valuable role to play in shaping our school as our community grows.
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  • Artistic autumn leaves
    15 Nov 2021

    Thanks to a fundraising idea from the Friends of HHIS, a colourful autumn tree has been brightening up the hall at Henry Hinde Infant School. The tree, featuring autumn leaves designed by children from across the school, was created to raise funds for new classroom visualisers, with children contributing £1 donations as part of the initiative. Fleur Edwards, Principal at Henry Hinde Infant School, said: “I never fail to be amazed by the hard work and commitment that our Friends of HHIS put in to raising additional funds for our school and I can’t thank them enough for all of their efforts. “The children were so excited to create their leaves and then search for them on display in the hall.
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  • Remembering the Fallen
    12 Nov 2021

    Pupils across the Transforming Lives Educational Trust took part in many Remembrance activities this week. At Henry Hinde Infant School, our youngest pupils were introduced to Remembrance in assembly, learning more about the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. While at Henry Hinde Junior School classes explored what life was like for soldiers in WWI and WWII. At Ashlawn School, pupils reflected on the importance of observing a two-minute silence to remember the fallen, both as an act of kindness to those who have been affected by the loss of loved ones in service as well as respect for those who have paid, and those who continue to pay, the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy today.
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Both of my children really enjoy it here and I'm really pleased with the progress they have made here.
Parent - Henry Hinde Infant School