Henry Hinde Junior School gets best Ofsted outcome for a generation

The pupils and staff at Henry Hinde Junior School are celebrating after Ofsted praised the school and gave it the strongest Ofsted outcome it has had in nearly 15 years.
The inspectors gave the school, which is part of the Transforming Lives Educational Trust (TLET), a ‘GOOD’ rating in every category, noting that pupils are “happy coming to this rapidly improving school.”
Inspectors also commented that: “following significant staffing changes, improvements to the quality of teaching and to the physical environment, pupils now learn well.” The report continued “behaviour in class and around school is good…Pupils are polite, friendly and welcoming.”
The report goes on to praise leadership at the school. It is noted that: “Leaders have high expectations of, and for, all pupils. Leaders want pupils to enjoy and be enthusiastic about learning. They have thought about the learning experiences pupils need to be successful in the future.”
Jennie Nurse, Principal at Henry Hinde Junior School, joined the school last year. She said: “This is wonderful news, and this rating truly reflects what a happy school we are.
“It is fantastic to hear that pupils, parents and our own staff are so enthusiastic about what we do. Our school is moving forward with real pace and purpose, but we are not losing sight of the fact we have a very supportive and nurturing environment. That is why the inspectors noted how wonderfully welcoming Henry Hinde Junior School is.”
The role of leaders in the pupils’ learning was also addressed in the report, saying: “Leaders have rightly focused on ensuring that pupils read well, widely and with enjoyment.” As a result, the inspectors found that: “By the end of Year 6, most pupils read well for pleasure and research. For example, one Year 6 pupil told an inspector, ‘I’m enjoying reading this classic novel; it was my grandad’s favourite.’”
The wider needs of pupils at the school were also highlighted. Inspectors reported that: “Pupils have opportunities to take on roles in school.” The report continued by reflecting on the pupils’ enthusiasm for their choir, charity work and recent residential trip.
James Higham, CEO of the Transforming Lives Educational Trust, of which the school is part, added: “This is simply brilliant news for Henry Hinde Junior School.
“Over recent years, at every level, the school has seen significant improvement and investment. It is testament to the whole community that the school has now got its best Ofsted grading in a generation.
“Despite this success, this commitment to enhancing the education our children receive will not stop. This is just a signpost on the journey that we are on, to transforming the life chances of the children and communities we serve.”